hi , my name is

Sujit Akulwar

I’m a web developer. Currently, I’m focused on , learning and practicing MERN Full Stack.

  • Check out my Github !
  • About me

    Hello! My name is Sujit and I am Third Year Student in Computer Engineering.My interest in web development started back in 2020 when I decided to try creating website for college project which taught me a lot about HTML & CSS!
    I been learning and working on web development for 2 years.

    Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with :

    CSS Flex-box visualizer
    a playground for beginner’s where they can use multiple flex-box properties. created using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, tailwind.
    Laptop Website
    a LAPTOP shopping website. created using ReactJS(HTML5, CSS3, Javascript).
    Trivia game
    a Trivia / quiz website using Api for multiple choice question. It contains different level of question with different catagories. created using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, API.
    student registration form
    a simple website for form filling and adding imformation. created using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, API.
    Todo list
    a To Do List website. created using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript.
    a tic-tac-toe game website. created using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript.
    Simon game
    a simon game website. created using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript.